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Jyothisha Samrat Dr.T.L.Raghupathi M.I.C.A.S. , A.I.C.A. Jyothisha Maha Manishi (Purusha), Jyothisha Bhushan, Jyothisha Satananda, Honorary Academician College of Astrological Sciences of Guntur (A.P)

The Analysis of various kinds of problems through the latest Advanced Stellar, Astro Research Numerological Systems in time with the apt significations, rulling planets and the strength of 'Nodes' thereon, will be taken up, and the periods of fructification of the events with pariharas if any, will be informed within 15 days of the receipt of problems in writing from the customers. The customers are requested to furnish the following details for solving the problems in block capital letters - Procedure for requesition -

1. Name and Address (furnish Latitude and Longitude for foreign consultants if possible)
2. Birth Details - Place with nearest Town/District, time and date (for transit confirmation)
3. A number between 1 & 249 (to locate 'Prasana Lagna') for each question separately.
4. A DD for Rs.150/- drawn on Nedungadi Bank, Ambadi Complex - 678001 in favour of Jyothisha Samrat Dr.T.L.Raghupathi, for each question. Horoscope writing - Rs.750/- in land

Periodic opening & closing of accounts will be taken up for all types of business concerns & the statements of Purchases , Savings, Customers & Suppliers, along with the Trial balance trading account Profit & loss & Balance sheet.

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