Auto Consultancy is located at Chakkanthara Jn,Mercy College
Road, Palakkad. The firm commenced its opearation in 1998 under
the command of Mr.Sreejith. The firm is serving
the public in the sphere of Auto finance. The Company has been successful
in Providing efficient finance schemes to the people of Palakkad.
2)Easy Finance.
is a Firm dealing in sale of second hand two and four wheelers.
Not only sale but also the finance is arranged.Financing is also
done for all types of Two,Three and Four wheelers. Replacement of
old fourwheelers with new is done clearly and promptly.
in connection with license and other RTO work are done by this firm
most efficiently. The special feature of Brothers Auto is that finance
for Vehicles is arranged on the spot and license is cleared promptly.
Auto Consultancy,
Chakkanthra Junction,
Mercy College Road,
Palakkad Phone:523050,500161(O),521270(R)