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Dr.Denny Anto M.D., D.M. Neuro(AIIMS)  

Consultant Neurologist
Fort Hospital Ltd,
NH 47, West Yakkara

Palakkad - 678001.

Phone (H) : 0491 - 520171
Phone (R) : 0491 - 537111/534067

Dr. Denny Anto did his Super specialisation in Neurology from All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi.

Before Joining Fort Hospital, Palakkad Dr. Denny Anto was working as a Consultant Neurologist in Medical Trust Hospital, Kochi. His services are available 24 hours at the hospital for emergency care. Dr. Denny Anto's special interests are Critical case Neurology, Epilepsy and Headache.

Consultation Time : 9 A.M to 1 P.M (at Fort Hospital) & 3 PM to 7 PM. at Residence (Robinson Road, Palakkad).