Adopt a child and it will make your "house" a "real home". You will feel
as if you have suddenly thrown open all the windows and enjoying the gush
of fresh air. The motherhood or fatherhood in you will come to the fore.
You will even wonder as to why you did delay the process of adoption. Suddenly
the baby crying and its pranks make your home noisy and lively as never
before. You will tend to think with an element of gusto and pride that your
child is the most intelligent and cutest on earth.
Anand Bhavan is an institution started in 1968 at Malampuzha by the sisters
of Holy family congregation for the abandoned and unwanted children below
5 years. Intially adoptions were maily going to foreign countries with proper
legal procedures. Since 1990 it is following the rules and regulations of
VCA (Voluntary Co-ordinating Agencies), which has been active in the field
of social work helping parents to adopt kids since 1990 at Kalamassery (Head
Office). VCA is established as per the Supreme Court Judgement and guidelines
on adoption set out by Govt. of India.
Parents wishing to adopt must register their names first, thereafter a home
study report will be prepared by a social worker from VCA. Adoption process
is carried on only if the "Home Study" report is approved by the
agency. If the report is positive parents are allowed to contact the agency
to compley with further formalities.
Its preferred that atleast one parent must be between 25 to 45 years
of age for an infant referral.
Adoptive parents must be married atleast for a year.
Both husband and wife must come together to adopt a child unless one
of them them is unable to come due to medical reasons.